Disallowed Plugins
Like any good hosting company we want you to be happy and for your site to work. While Wordpress is a well established CMS and the development team there take security and stability seriously, the same can not be said of all plugin developers. The brutal truth is that while plugins often provide much needed functions and improvements to WP core, some plugins are a security hazzard and should never have been released while others are resource hogs and negatively impact server performance.
In line with some other hosting companies we have decided to ban the use of some plugins on our servers. The following is a list of those plugins for one reason or another:
- adminer
- async-google-analytics
- backup
- backup-scheduler
- backupwordpress
- backwpup
- broken-link-checker
- contextual-related-posts
- duplicator
- dynamic-related-posts
- ewww-image-optimizer
- ezpz-one-click-backup
- file-commander
- fuzzy-seo-booster
- google-xml-sitemaps-with-multisite-support
- hc custom wp admin url
- hcs.php
- hello.php
- jr-referrer
- missed-schedule
- no-revisions
- ozh-who-sees-ads
- portable-phpmyadmin
- quick-cache
- seo-alrp
- si-captcha-for-wordpress
- similar-posts
- spyderspanker
- spyderspanker_pro
- super-post
- superslider
- text-passwords
- the-codetree-backup
- toolspack
- ToolsPack
- tweet-blender
- w3-total-cache
- wordfence
- wordpress-gzip-compression
- wp-cache
- wp-database-optimizer
- wp-db-backup
- wp-dbmanager
- wp-engine-snapshot
- wp-file-cache
- wp-mailinglist
- wp-missed-schedule
- wp-phpmyadmin
- wp-postviews
- wp-slimstat
- wp-super-cache
- wp-symposium-alerts
- wpengine-migrate
- wpengine-snapshot
- wponlinebackup
- yet-another-featured-posts-plugin
- yet-another-related-posts-plugin